Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Planning to leave my wallet in San Francisco

In just a few weeks, I'm headed to San Francisco for a very quick visit. I've only been once before, but I fell deeply in love with the city. Don't tell anyone, but I may have even cried a little bit on the plane ride home.

I'm so excited to return and visit some of the fabulous shops that Baz at Atomic Indy outlined in his extremely thorough vintage shop roundup (seriously. you think it's over but it just goes on and on. and on.)

But other than that, I'm open to suggestions. Does anyone else have any suggestions of must-dos?


more is jess said...

Um, well, how long will you be here? Depending on your poison, I have plenty of suggestions. I do love this city so.

erin@designcrisis said...

X21 if you need something special and have $$$ to drop. Actually, it's just an amazing store, period.

Have fun! I love SF.

Eric McGrew said...

Thanks for the links. I also love the photo.

Alison said...

Thanks, Erin. Added to the list! JEM, thanks! I can't take credit for the picture. That's from Baz.

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