This Ukrainian Village man cave was created with entertaining (bagging chicks?) in mind, and while I would maim for the awesome rooftop deck and gorgeous staircase (gallery here), I'm not sure how I feel about the kitchen that, in attempt to disguise it's function as an, um, kitchen, has been stripped of its hanging cabinets. It's kind of cool, but also kind of odd looking. Plus, all the BENDING.
Your thoughts?
Some things I do take issue with:
- The outdoor shower on that fancy rooftop deck. Why? Especially in 7 months of icy tundra Chicago. It just seems like a headache to keep from getting destroyed by the elements.
- That an interior designer gets praised as "bold" for putting a lamp on a kitchen countertop. Zzzzz. Wake me when it gets replaced with thee-foot-tall taxidermied mongoose fighting a cobra flanked by A Clockwork Orange poster and an Eraserhead life-size cutout. (This is just me thinking back to one of my childhood friend's brother's bedroom. Which was what I'd call bold. And scary as hell to an eight-year-old.)
- Random people dancing on your counters? Ew.
I'm with you on all that bending, but I really do like the look.
And that is neither a bold lamp nor a bold touch.
"Wake me when it gets replaced with thee-foot-tall taxidermied mongoose fighting a cobra flanked by A Clockwork Orange poster and an Eraserhead life-size cutout."
Funny, you!
So, I don't have uppers. But I do have a pantry wall, and all the lowers are drawers. I love it. Of course, I'm only 5'2" and freakishly close to the ground already.
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