Forget witches and monsters and psychotic brothers named Michael Myers, nothing gives me the willies more than old lonely abandoned buildings.
I was just innocently poking around Flickr, looking for pictures of vintage wallpaper and old limestone fireplaces when I got sucked into pool after pool of creepy, decaying spaces. And I can't seem to look away.
Super spooky. But yes, I can see the beauty that emerges when something utilitarian starts to fade and give itself back over to nature.
I tried to avoid the pools that were solely devoted to abandoned asylums (anyone else seen Session 9*?). But trust me, there are plenty out there. Just do me a favor and steer clear of the creepy veterinary hospitals of horror pool. Yipes!
I added the names of the pools from which each picture came in case you want to do a little urban exploring.
Just make sure you have all your lights on and some snappy music playing.
Happy haunting!
* Oh yes, someone did go to the real Danvers State Hospital and take some super eerie atmospheric photos.
Do it Gordon!
I enjoy these, she has a great eye for colour & composition:
Nice find, Becca! I can't get over the color in her abandoned houses set. So amazing.
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