Whoops. I meant to post this a few weeks ago! I am very into what Forgotten Chicago is all about. In a city with so much history, it seems like every block has its fair share of secrets to spill.
I'm so impressed by all this site has going--a Flickr set, Facebook page, Twitter feed. Geez, someone's never going to be able to let Forgotten Chicago slip her mind again.

Anyway, I would really love to go on the Pilsen/Little Village tour they have coming up THIS Sunday (see what I mean about meaning to post this way back in the day), but I don't see it in the cards. I'll probably be recovering from Beer School where I'm sure get an A (related: old breweries!).

I'm definitely planning to go on at least a few in the future. There's nothing more I love than old stuff and snooping around, so this tour series is about like chocolate and pretzels to me--perfection.
I want to hear about it if you go!
In the meantime, the site is full of interesting bits and pieces (maps, architecture, infrastructure, whoa WHOA. A forum--time to nerd out).
(images from Forgotten Chicago's cool Flickr pool)
I love this web site! It has the coolest stuff on it. Can't wait for you to come see the desk- I think you will really like it. The chair totally needs a pad when we do the re-cover. My booty hurts!
Thanks for the love!
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