I historically hate romantic comedies. They're just goofy and usually short on the comedy part. Just a few weeks ago, I watched Sleepless in Seattle for the first time. Ugh. Imagine me making a raspberry noise and giving the double thumbs down. Soooo corny. This makes no sense because I'm a big old softie and get all weepy at the drop of a hat. I misted up last Saturday night at dinner with my parents while talking about the evils of Wal-Mart.
Related: Thanks A LOT Museum of Science and Industry Omnimax movie about the Great Lakes for making me want to cry like a baby over an old, stinky fish.
Ok, maybe that one was hormones.
Anyway, what I think I like about H&M (the real H&M) is that it feels authentic. And dark. And maybe a little bit weird. I mean, you've got a death-obsessed 20-year-old-guy who falls for a septuagenarian Holocaust survivor who lives in an abandoned train car and makes wooden sculptures that look like vajays. What's not to love? Add an all Cat Stevens soundtrack to the mix, and I'm hooked like that sturgeon in the Great Lakes movie. (sniff, sniff)*
I got to thinking about H&M earlier this week when I read this article about director Hal Ashby on Slate. It kind of bags on the movie, but I started poking around the Net (starring Sandra Bullock) and lo and behold, many others are WAY into this movie. It's inspiring all sorts of people, including:
(hold up. you have to imagine me reading this like a scrolling list of community college courses)



Jaguar/hearse enthusiasts! (what a dreamy demographic)

Wes Anderson!


aaaand painters.
Since I'm not a total nut, I'll just take the Belgian poster.

Ok ok. And the French t-shirt.
*Seeing has how the movie was about a 50-year-old man who loved and was tracking a 120-year-old female fish who had survived the environmental Holocaust that was the Industrial Revolution, the two stories are not entirely unrelated....excuse me. I need a moment. Anybody got a hankie?
Love this post! Harold and Maude is one for the ages. That soundtrack was great too.
I've never seen Harold and Maude. But now I'm thinking that I'm really, really missing out.
Another common thread between us. Herold & Maude is in my top 5 all-time films. What an incredible unexpected beautifully told love story.
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